McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Photography
New Specification What does this mean?
Why choose OCR A Level Art and Design: Photography?
Photography is a form of communication, documentation and expression: a visual language. If you choose to study A Level Photography you will develop your skill and creativity as a photographer and your understanding of the subject and it’s related context and practical outcomes.
Back to topWhat will I learn in Year 12 and 13 and how
will it be assessed?
Through the experience of working with a range of Photography techniques
students can develop a high level of knowledgeand skills that include critical, contextual and analytical understanding, enhancing their ability to access further or higher education or enter the workplace.
The course starts with a techniques based induction unit on the theme of natural forms. Pupils are encouraged to work from direct observation, exploring a range of light-manipulating techniques materials and surfaces to extend their photographic skills.
Unit 1—Personal investigation
For this unit students must use personal starting points to produce a major project that shows them working through a range of photographic experiences building on their skills and understanding. This will be demonstrated through a related written study with a guided minimum of 1000 words.
Assessment: continuous with weekly written feedback. All work is marked internally by your Photography teachers and then externally moderated at the end of the course in June.
Weighting 60%
Unit 2 - Practical task based on pre-release materials.
For this unit, students will receive a question paper after the 1st of February. From this paper they choose one starting point they then have a period of preparation time and a 15 hour period of controlled time to produce an outcome.
Assessment: The controlled Assignment is internally marked and externally moderated at the end of the course in June
Weighting: 40%
How will I learn?
You will learn through opportunities to develop:
Intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive powers
Investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement. An interest in, enthusiasm for and an enjoyment of Photography. The experience of working with a broad range of Photography media and techniques.
Related Degrees
• Advertising Photography
• Biomedical Photography
• Photographic Sciences
• Photojournalism
• Photography
• Film
• Moving Image
• Digital Imaging
• Fine Art
• Graphic Design
• Visual Communication
• Computer Science
• Games Design
Related Careers
There are a variety of careers paths that A Level photography leads to, for example Advertising, Media, Games Design, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography, Museum Archives, and Curator.
The Arts and Culture economy creates 694,700 jobs across the UK, 6,910 cultural businesses contribute £28 billion each year to the UK economy.
Further Course Information
Students who achieve the highest grades are those who are open minded to new ideas and skills - who visit Art Galleries, research and collect resources in their own time and become more independent learners. The Art/Photography teachers are always around to support the students at lunchtimes and after school.
Back to topExtra-Curricular Opportunities in Art
Trips to Galleries
Art & Photography Clubs
Connections to local Galleries
Young Leadership in Art & Photography Opportunities
Work Experience